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Theme_GIFImage: The themes of  X-Field.

The X_Field projects in the exhibition evolve from lengthy conversation and discourse.  Whilst we maintain the integrity of our individual practices and continue to contribute to our respective disciplines, collectively we establish common ground in this process.

We work across a series of scales: from river systems to the minutiae of everyday life and the celebration of the banal, with a material thinking and presence. We share a fascination with the transitory and the ephemeral, the actions of people, growth and decay, and things outside of our control. We find solace in the margins: of our professional standings, at the water’s edge and amidst invisible social, political, and economic divides.

Our ambition is to make this dialogue accessible and public, by exhibiting in respected galleries, through public symposia with international colleagues, and through participatory projects and subject matter that resonates within a larger community.


Art and Public Realm

Designing Design Methods

Ephemeral Architectures

Jumping Cities

Neighbouring effect

Preparing the ground

Social and Political infrastructures

The urban field

Working Cities

Featured artists:

Andrea Mina

Antarctica + Joost

Base Beijing

Bora Hong

Chaimin Chiu

Charles Anderson


Chi Ti-Nan

Ching -Yueh Roan

Craig Douglas

Emmanuel Wolfs & BoYoung Jung

Gini Lee

Goetz Stockmann & Gabriela Seifert

Hong Kong Group Laurence Liaw, Jeffrey Johnson, Joice Sing Joy Liang, Fang Ling, Zhou Yufang

Hsieh Ying Chun

Jenny Lowe

John McGlade

Johnny Chiu

Laurens Tan

Lee Jang Sub

Li Hu (O.P.E.N Architecture)

Lynda Roberts

MAP Office (Gutierrez & Portefaix)

Marco Casagrande

Martyn Hook (Iredale Pedersen Hook)

Mel Dodd

Melissa Bright & Shelley Freeman (MAKE Architecture)

October Sky (Jihye Beak, Jie-Eun Hwang, Jaeseung Jeong, Eunjin Kim, Goodkan Kim, Hyunjung Kim, Juntae Kim, Sojin Kim)

Rachel Hurst


Richard Black

Richard Goodwin

Roger Kemp & Anthony Fryatt

Sand Helsel

Simon Pendal

Stephen Neille

SueAnne Ware

Yao Jui Chung

Yu-Chih Hsiao