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X_FIELD is an informal group of practitioners who work across the art and design disciplines. The name pays homage to Rosalind Kraus’s seminal essay, ’Sculpture in the Expanded Field’ (October 8, Spring 1979), but instead of reaffirming the distinctions between the disciplines of sculpture, architecture, and landscape architecture as defined in her matrix, we are interested in their intersections and the spaces in-between. We have identified these margins as sites of operation: places of becoming, transaction, negotiation, and improvisation.

The agenda of the X_Field project is to promote a continuing and significant discourse amongst like-minded practitioners who challenge the conventions of their respective disciplines. A touring exhibition supported by symposia and seminars collects contributions to this dialogue from Melbourne, Seoul, Beijing and Taipei before returning in an expanded format to Melbourne. The exhibitions highlight our multiple ways of acting and the techniques we invent and employ at many spatial and temporal scales, through content that remains relevant to our specific local conditions.

IMAGE: Clockwise from top left: Andrea Mina, SueAnne Ware, Mel Dodd, Sand Helsel, Richard Black, Charles Anderson.


exhibition: 9 October – 3 November 2013

curator: Sand Helsel + Richard Black

test website imgX_Field ARCHIVE, exhibition invitation.


exhibition: 10 August – 6 September 2013

curator: Sand Helsel

Taipei InviteX_Field TAIPEI, exhibition invitation.

X_Field BEIJING: Jumping City

exhibition: April 2011


X_Field BEIJING: Jumping City

12 September 2010

CU Space

Curator: Che Fei

Jumping City InviteX_Field BEIJING: Jumping City, exhibition invitation.

X_Field SEOUL: Neighboring Effect

exhibition: February 2011


Curator: Jaewon Cho

Neighboring effect InviteX_Field SEOUL, exhibition invitation.


exhibition: 8-28 August 2010

fortyfive downstairs gallery


Affirmative Architecture

Story Hall Gallery 20-21 August 2011

curator: Sand Helsel

45 downstairs inviteX_Field MELBOURNE, exhibition invitation.